Sunday, August 05, 2007
Ah... what are your goals?
there are things to be done which considered to be my goals.
two books to be written, a non-fiction and a novel. i felt honored when somebody from the publishing company requested those two book especially written by me.
visiting dubai and beijing late this year and early next year. i always amazed by the forbidden city and the great wall.
get married next year (if and if). cannot stand my mother's yapping on my ears.
Bali during summer vacation season where people were enjoying the sun and the cool wind from the wintry Australia. The low sky of Nusa Dua was full of people doing the para-sailing.
i didn't travel much this past summer season due to the work load at the office. but early July, i was quite lucky to be invited to bali for just an engagement party i have to attend for the magazine. a one day break, meaning to stay just one night then returned to jakarta the next day.