i've been through alot of unfairness in life. i even questioned God on why He never gave me the one thing i really wanted. and, like a kid, i threw tantrum to Him. I protested by refusing to know Him.
just a couple of days ago, after five years of pursuing and never giving up hope, i surrendered to the path of life that has been set for me. for the first time, my heart was opened to understand on why He never gave me the one thing i really longed for and hoped.
sometimes, we just don't realize that we live through the grace of God and the prayers of those who love us.
just surrender and search Him..
remember TheEye, God wanted u to be HAPPY with what he had GIVEN to u! So, kalau misalnya emang mesti begitu, so be it.
lg baca 'riding the dragon' dan entah mengapa malah ingatan gw lari ke postingan lu ketika baca kutipan berikut:
"Engkau selalu tersenyum dan engkau mendengarkan dengan baik, tetapi engah bagaimana aku melihat semacam rasa kesedihan dalam dirimu. Aku melihat bahwa tak ada satu pun yang memuaskanmu... Tidak, tak ada satu pun memuaskanmu, tidak pekerjaanmu, tidak persahabatanmu, tidak satu pun dari ilmu maupun perjalanan yang engkau lakukan. Itu baik. Engkau siap belajar sesuatu yang baru. Kesedihanmu telah membuatmu kosong; kesedihanmu telah membuatmu terluka!" (Andrew Harvey dalam A Journey in Ladakh sebagaimana dikutip oleh Robert J Wicks dalam "Riding the Dragon")
apa kabar?
Mbak SyL
hai, salam kenal :). it's a nice blog, and really touchy posting. i also often curse God for what happened to me, forget all the bless and achievement I got.
sometimes, we just don't realize that we live through the grace of God and the prayers of those who love us...(deeply agree with this)
Uhmmm sometimes, we just act like a jerk who knows everything. But actually, we're so weak. we don't even know what will happen within the next minutes, seconds,..I always believe that God knows exactly what best 4 us, perhaps something that we thot it's good 4 us..not exactly best 4 us.
and about come close to God,.. grasp His rope and He will draw you near. The rope is love, with this unseen and unheard love you'll find God. :)
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