Sunday, April 08, 2007

i just can't get enough of sushi. makan sushi di jakarta, di bali, di singapore, di kansas city, di bangkok, di sydney rasanya semuanya gak ada yang nyamain daripada makan sushi di negara aslinya sendiri. nasinya tetap sama, nasi jepang (nippon kohan), tapi the way they made them, the way they curl the rice into a sushi shape and the way they cut the fish and make it into a nigiri sushi, it's just different.

knowing that i love sushi, otosan and okasan came one night and brought two trays of sushi that we ate together during dinner time. okasan cut the fish by herself and made me felt so honored.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

tak ada yg mengalahkan sushi yang sesungguhnya. baca: SESUNGGUHNYA :-)

April 18, 2007 9:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love sushi beriberi much...
skg sih br bs maem yg bkn S.E.S.U.N.G.G.U.H.N.Y.A.
if that so...i might 'can't stop eating' dong...

June 19, 2007 8:02 AM  

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