Wednesday, September 14, 2005

traffics are one of the major problems for cities everywhere around the world. but, nothing compares to the traffic problems in the metropolitan city of jakarta in a big scale.

motorcycles, metrominis, kopajas, bajajs, you name your distractions.

for me, driving to work everyday, i feel that those distractions are becoming more and more intollerable or, i should say, people here are getting intollerant unto each other.

take for example, a metromini. if you're not be careful, you can be hit by its reckless driving. no matter what, the driver of the bus feels that he has all the rights in this land to do whatever needed to sabotage your right of way. the right that people in the states hold highly.

not to mention bunches of motorcylists.

cases of motorcyclists cutting your right of way in front of you are getting a norm of life here. yet, i found some cases that made me think hannibal lecter was really needed to solve the problems.

once in a busy street in the hectic time of rush hour, a motorcyclist stopped in front of my car in the middle of the street. and, why on earth he was doing that?

simple yet intollerant act of manner -- he stopped in the middle of the street to answer a call to his cellular phone.

and, when i honked him. he looked at me annoyed as if i was the one who took his right of answering a call in the middle of a busy street. cars were honking him. yet, he just did his business like nothing happened around him.

hannibal lecter would open his skull, slice part of his brain, fry it and eat it.

oh, i would put some olive oil and add a touch of garlic seasoning, fry it for a minute or two and eat it half done.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jakarta = neraka
Bukan begitu?

September 14, 2005 9:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

eat someone's brain?? you're scary!

September 15, 2005 12:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

gosh, you're still obsessed about hannibal, hahahaha!
apa kabar 'man?


September 15, 2005 5:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool. But Hannibal will dissatisfy. Most of them have no brain!

October 18, 2005 10:46 AM  

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