Monday, August 29, 2005

i walked on this pier like a little children. bubbly and lightly. seeing all the fish you can see through this clear turquise water. all kind of salt water fish. all are cuties. the kinds you can onlysee through the national geographic channel.

this pier would take me and my team to the speed boat that ferried us to one of the gilis. in the background, three gilis are lying next to each other facing the lombok straits -- the deepest straits in the country.

i just love the bluish colors of the waters and the sky above.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Iya birunya bagus banget!!! Jadi inget waktu ke dermaga kecil yang aku lupa namanya di deket Melbourne, tepatnya di kota yang namanya aku udah lupa namanya juga *haduh!* pokoknya dingin, berangin, bagus, dan biru. itu yang aku inget.

August 30, 2005 11:08 AM  

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