just plain and simple. i miss my 3-year old nephew living in japan.
once in a while, over a late dinner and exhausted from work, my mom would sit with me in the dining table and cheerfully telling me of how her grandson's doing. "oh, you know what," she started,"he's getting smarter now... he can count in english, japanese, and indonesian... bla bla bla... "
i would keep eating my dinner while saying,"terus... terus ma... terus... " not patient enough to listen to my mom's story of my nephew she called this morning.
and mom would reply,"terus... terus... you think i'm a robot, huh!?!" and, i would burst laughing at her grumble.
just plain and simple.
i miss my 3-year old nephew now.
How about calling him, and say "uncle Iman miss you" :)
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