waktu saya melihat foto ini kembali, bulu kuduk saya berdiri. dan bulu kuduk saya masih berdiri ketika saya mengetik posting ini.
ceritanya begini. seperti biasa, karena hobi saya motret maka saya adalah peserta tur yang paling tertinggal dan paling belakang. saya bisa mempelajari sejarah bangunan ini dari brosur atau buku yang bisa saya beli, tapi momen untuk memotret hanya ada saat itu saja. entah kapan saya bisa balik ke sini lagi.
it was a hot day and the clouds above was dark. rain was about to fall shortly when i was captivated by this wall. the combination of the old walls and the woods area to its right was a good composition for me to capture it.
at that moment, i knew that i was left far behind the group and for a split second, i felt a chill. uh-oh.
then suddenly, my never-troubled-camera stuck. it was just stuck. it has never happened before. i knew the battery was full since i just changed it minutes ago.
was i panicked? yes, it was my beloved camera! but, i did a stupid thing! a really really stupid thing out of my unconsciousness.
i yelled an expletive word to my camera!
in a place like that one you just cannot even speak with a loud voice. i yelled an expletive word!
at that moment, i can feel something strange. it was like i was slapped by the wind and i just cannot say what else -- i ran and ran. the tour leader was looking for me that was then i realized that something was not right the moment the tour leader asked me whether i was okay or not. i was pretty ashen at that moment.
the moral of the story -- never say a bad word in a place like that.
tempatnya dimana sih??kayanya emang serem banget..pantes banget kalo disana banyak 'uka-uka'??hehe..
Keren, Ko. ini tembok dimana ? anglenya bagus, jadi inget film horror Jepang 'The Ring" hehe...
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