Monday, January 16, 2006

i was literally in awe when the resort took me to yet another private beach in the karangasem area. a romantic dinner was set with the background of stone cliff and thunderstorms afar. you can see dark clouds lingered in the horizone pouring rains to the sea.

the darker the lights the beautiful the scenery was. you can see million of stars above, the lights from the ships sailed across to padang bai, listened to the sound of waves crashed just in front of you.

there was no single word could describe what i experienced in this place. period.


Blogger House of Covenant said...

wah bagus banget.. kapan ya gw bisa punya private beach :D

January 17, 2006 3:23 PM  
Blogger LaNgiT JiNgGa said...

cakep banget pantainya...jadi kangen ama pantai...pic nya keren2... :)

January 18, 2006 10:30 AM  

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